Ruthwell Cross

Ruthwell Cross
Ruthwell Scotland

Monday, 12 May 2014

"the morning gently rises
light dawning on a new day
Behold,Behold, I make all things new
beginning with you..
and starting from today (MV 115 )
birds flit from feeder to tree
cardinals, sparrows, Gross beaks,
water moves softly along the seaway
trees greening
a little more each morning,
buds silently opening...
what buds open within me?
what new growth
lifts from the darkness of winter?
be still and know that I am God
words enter my consciousness
be still and know that I am God."

as i write this monday morning, returned from Five Oaks, returned to my congregation and returned to "normal" life. I wonder what will unfold in the coming weeks and months, what are the ways that i will be still and Know God? I see God in and through creation, i feel Gods presence in worship and work. I know there is more. The Celts saw no division between sacred and secular, or spiritual and mortal,  how easy our minds divide these, How difficult it is to accept the experience of the divine in our lives and i believe its something that we seek with heart, body and soul. I believe we seek what is already there, but for whatever reason we deny ourselves the experience of knowing we are in Gods presence. In Acts, it is written "God is that in which i live and move and have my being" what does that mean???

What buds do you feel are opening in you?
What do you think it means to say,  "God is that in which i live and move and have my being"?

1 comment:

  1. I think I have an enneagram bud opening in me. "God is that in which I live and move and have my being" means to me that God is with me and within me in everything I do and in my very being. But I find that I just want to experience God more and more and deeper and deeper. I simply need to be still and know but I am not satisfied - I want more. When I do HP, I experience God in as many different ways as there are clients. These experiences are awesome and are treasured and I am honoured and I try not to be impatient. It is very difficult to be still....and just know....I have a lot to learn.
