Ruthwell Cross

Ruthwell Cross
Ruthwell Scotland

Thursday, 8 May 2014

and now its thursday, almost the end of this part of the program. i can feel the tug of "normal life" pulling me already. the experience here has been enriching, enlivening and rewarding. today included dance and art, two things i have enjoyed experimenting with and look forward to continuing to experiment. we began to learn about enneagrams an interesting tool to  use to get to know yourself better. self knowledge is always important.
now its time to say farewell, for a year to some new friends, fellow pilgrims on the journey. we will meet again next may for the second  residency of the program and in between we will read books, write papers experiment with art and delve into our spiritual selves.. and i invite you along the journey, to visit this blog and participate in the conversation and journey.

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