Ruthwell Cross

Ruthwell Cross
Ruthwell Scotland

Monday, 5 May 2014

the day began early with a 6:30 alarm call, mediation at 7:30, breakfast at 8 and "class" at 9. Class itself began with movement, dance of a sort. Now dancing is NOT my forte like singing... it simply doesn't happen, so today was a day with buttons being pushed.. about dance about physicality and body. do we live in our bodies or merely exist in them?? this is the question i have been left with, no doubt as the week moves along and the dancing continues my pondering will deepen.  The notion of dancing caused me to write poetry.. of a sort.... perhaps I'll post it another time.

art was another topic for the day, drawing our life story and then telling it to our small group. this in preparation for the spiritual journey group i will begin when i return. so much can be said about our lives as we explain them in words but sometimes when you draw it, things are evident that would not have been noticed in a simple verbal telling......  and of course as the story is drawn or told, the question must be asked, where was God in those can be interesting to step back and look at your life form a larger perspective see the whole picture, thus far, and seek Gods presence. Finally, to end the day, using art as a form of lectio devinia... something that needs more thought on my part. now its time to rest before another busy day, a day that will end with the beginning of a 24 hour silent retreat.  this retreat, is all about noticing, stepping back and noticing..... simple yet powerful. "Be still and know that  I am God scripture writes," so this is time, to be still and know God.

1 comment:

  1. It can be quite unnerving to be asked to take part in something that doesn't come naturally and like you say- whose body is this anyway? Why is this movement so foreign to me?
