Ruthwell Cross

Ruthwell Cross
Ruthwell Scotland

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Finally i have arrived in five oaks after a LONG drive. Driving conditions were certainly less than favourable, heavy rain, spray from passing trucks and cars, all made for a stressful drive. but i made it...  safely!! Since this program of spiritual deepening is a pilgrimage  of sorts, what does my actual journey infer about the interior journey i will be making??? what does it infer about the beginning of the journey ... pilgrimage....  somehow i don't think this program will be plain sailing. i do think it will be interesting, relaxing even and definitely something that will stretch me intellectually, physically and spiritually. Already i have been encouraged to encounter the physical me as well as my artistic side, which in many respects does not exist... so who knows what lies in store for tomorrow. We began with prayer... what no surprise!! this prayer was rather lovely, taking a blank piece of paper and writing names and situations that i carried with me here, family, community friends, circling them colouring the paper and finally lifting it all to God, in a very tangible way,  i found that simple exercise a meaningful way to pray for all those i have left behind to be here, knowing that i leave them in Gods care. so that's my thoughts for tonight....Meanwhile, I'm tired. and sleep calls. Tomorrow will begin with silent meditation at 7:30, hmm thats a bit of a misonomer, is any mediation other than silent???

1 comment:

  1. Lisa showed me how to work this today so I'll try to include the previous comments which are somewhere out in cyber space??? Glad you arrived safely. The drawing prayer sounds very interesting especially when there are so many to pray for at the moment. Since I'm so late in signing in for yesterday, you'll already have more news about today. I know this course has been long awaited and I hope its everything you hoped for. Apple pie making tomorrow here. Any orders?
